May 16th
8:30-9:00 |
Registration and welcome
9:00-9:15 |
Opening : Yousef Saad
Invited Talk - Chair : Yousef Saad
Cleve Ashcraft
Iterative Solvers in Industry : A Case Study
10:05-10:25 |
Coffee Break |
10:25-11:15 |
Invited Talk - Chair : Pascal Hénon |
Raymond Namyst Programming heterogeneous, accelerator-based multicore machines:
current situation and main challenges
11:20-12:20 |
Contributed Talks
Session 1 - Chair : Cleve Ashcraft |
Wim Vanroose , Bram Reps and Hisham bin Zubair
Multigrid preconditioners based on polynomial smoothers for the Helmholtz equation with absorbing layers
Vincent Heuveline, Dimitar Lukarski and Jan-philipp Weiss
Fine-grained Parallel ILU Preconditioners with Fill-ins for Multi-core CPUs and GPUs
Session 2 - Chair : Emmanuel Agullo |
Maxime Hugues and Serge Petiton
Optimized Sparse Matrix Formats on GT200 and Fermi GPUs
Cornelis Vuik , Rohit Gupta and Kees Lemmens
A fast GPU Implementation of the Deflated Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient method
12:20-14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00-14:50 |
Invited Talk - Chair : Wei-Pai Tang
Andy Wathen
How to choose a nonsymmetric preconditioner
14:55-16:30 |
Contributed Talks |
Session 3 - Chair : Abdou Guermouche |
Patrick Amestoy , Cleve Ashcraft, Olivier Boiteau, Alfredo Buttari, Jean-Yves L'Excellent and Clement Weisbecker
Grouping variables in Frontal Matrices to improve Low-Rank Approximations in a Multifrontal Solver
Nick Vannieuwenhoven and Karl Meerbergen
An incomplete multifrontal method for element-structured linear systems
Murat Mangolu, Madan Sathe, Olaf Schenk and Ahmed Sameh
A Scalable Parallel Preconditioned Sparse Linear System Solver
Session 4 - Chair : Laura Grigori
C. Calgaro, J.-P. Chehab and Y. Saad
Incremental Incomplete LU factorizations with applications to time-dependent PDEs
Klaus Neymeyr
A geometric convergence theory of the preconditioned steepest descent iteration
Mikko Byckling
Numerical experiments on a Factored Approximate Inverse Preconditioner
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee Break |
17:00-18:00 |
Contributed Talks |
Session 5 - Chair : Andrew Wathen
Paulien van Slingerland and Kees Vuik
Exploiting the Nested Block Structure of DG Matrices: a Block ILU
Preconditioner with Deflation and a Spectral Two-Level Strategy
Michel Kern and Abdelaziz Taakili
Block Preconditioning for a Coupled Model of Transport with Sorption in Porous Media |
Session 6 - Chair : Jean-Jacques Pesqué |
Dmitry Neklyudov, Vladimir Tcheverda and Ilya Silvestrov
A Helmholtz Iterative Solver with No Use of Finite-Difference
Nico Schlomer and Wim Vanroose
Preconditioning the Jacobian system of the extreme type-II Ginzburg-Landau problem |
May 17th
9:00-9:50 |
Invited Talk - Chair : Catherine E. Powell |
Robert Scheichl
Multilevel Simulation under Uncertainty and Heterogeneity
9:50-10:30 |
Group photo & Coffee Break |
10:30-12:00 |
Contributed talks
Session 7 - Chair : Luc Giraud |
Julien Maes
Solving the Linear Equation in Reservoir Simulation |
Victorita Dolean, Frederic Nataf, Robert Scheichl and Hua Xiang
Two-level Schwarz methods with coarse spaces based on Dirichlet--to--Neumann maps
Session 8 - Chair : Iain Duff
Achim Basermann and Hans-Peter Kersken
Scalable Distributed Schur Complement Methods for CFD Simulation on Many-Core Architectures
Gwenol Grandperrin, Alfio Quarteroni and Simone Deparis
Scalable Preconditioners for Transient Navier-Stokes Equations in Hemodynamics Simulations
12:00-14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00-14:50 |
Invited Talk - Chair : Esmond Ng |
Felix Kwok
What makes block Jacobi slow to converge, and how low-rank
changes can help
Contributed talks |
Session 9 - Chair : Jean-Yves L'Excellent
Jennifer Scott and Miroslav Tuma
A novel approach to level-based preconditioning
Kamer Kaya and Iain S. Duff
Preconditioners based on Strong Components
Mohamed Zenadi, Tony Drummond, Iain S. Duff , Ronan Guivarch and Daniel Ruiz
Partitioning Strategies for the Block Cimmino algorithm
Session 10 - Chair : Pierre Ramet
Rafael Bru, Natalia Malla and Jose Marin
A Block ILU Preconditioner for Computational Electromagnetics Applications
Eloy Romero, Christoph Kowitz, Jose Enrique Roman, Florian Merz and Frank Jenko
Preconditioning Eigensolvers for Computing Unstable Modes of Plasma |
Cleve Ashcraft and Pierre L'Eplattenier
Comparing multisection and recursive bisection in low-rank representations of BEM matrices from electromechanics
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee Break |
17:00-18:00 |
Contributed Talks |
Session 11 - Chair : Robert Scheichl
Alfredo Buttari, Simone Gentile, Pasqua D'Ambra, Daniela Di Serafino , Salvatore Filippone and Bora Uçar
A Novel Aggregation Method based on Graph Matching for Algebraic MultiGrid Preconditioning of Sparse Linear Systems
Jeremie Gaidamour, Jonathan J. Hu, Christopher M. Siefert and Raymond S. Tuminaro
Algebraic Multigrid using Energy-Minimization: a general framework to develop intergrid transfer operator
Session 12 - Chair : Michele Benzi
Ivana Pultarova
Error estimates based on equilibrated residual for domain decomposition methods
James Nagy
Structured Preconditioners in Adaptive Optics Imaging
20:00-22:00 |
Banquet : Café du Port 1 quai Deschamps Bordeaux. Tram station : Stalingrad |
May 18th
9:00-10:30 |
Contributed talks
Session 13 - Chair : Xavier Vasseur |
Michele Benzi
New block preconditioners for saddle point problems |
Seiji Fujino, Takashi Sekimoto and Yusuke Onoue
A Proposal of Residual Reduction method with preconditioning based on IDR Theorem
Alexander I. Fedoseyev and Oleg A. Bessonov
Efficiency analysis and parallelization of the CNSPACK implementation
of a preconditioned CGS solver for modern multicore computer systems
Session 14 - Chair : François Pellegrini
Thomas Guignon, M. Hacene and J.M. Gratien
GPU linear solver for porous media flow simulation
Toshihiro Nitta, Toshiyuki Kohno and Hiroshi Niki
The PSOR-like preconditioner for CGS method
Kent-Andre Mardal and Bjorn Fredrik Nielsen
Efficient preconditioning of optimality systems |
Coffee Break |
Invited Talk - Chair : Jean Roman
Catherine E. Powell
Preconditioning Stochastic Saddle-point Problems |
11:50-12:10 |